Thursday, October 4, 2012

Floor tile is done!

The flooring crew (sub-floor, underlayment, ultimately tile) got off to a rather slow start this morning as we couldn't seal up the floor until Neil had finished the last few key water connections. And of course we kept having the wrong fittings. ;-(

But at last we got the right ones, he hooked everything up, we held out breath, and he turned on the water. Oops, the shower valve was still open! Fortunately, we could get it turned off reasonably quickly and the water damage was not critical.

We could then cut and fit the remaining pieces of sub-floor. Then we started to cut, fit and nail down the underlayment boards (for under the tile). Lots of tricky cuts to make in a cement-like composition board. Each cut demanded getting all fitted out with mask, goggle, ear protectors, and gloves. Oh and did I mention is was HOT today (humid too).

Then ensued lots of banging to get the nails to really be flush. Finally about 3pm, we were ready to start laying tile. Doug was our master tile layer - along with Neil. They worked like crazy men, trying to get it all done. And there were lots of pieces that needed cutting: Dave did a land-office business in running the wet saw.

In the meantime, another crew installed the two doors. The usual finagling to get everything lined up, and we were getting tired. The tile layers were determined to get all the tile down today, so they could dry tonight, we could work in there tomorrow, then grout at the end of the day. We ran very late, but we finally got it all done!

Oh, there was also a lot of painting going on too. The walls are a nice shade of blue - very pretty. But I'll let those of the painting persuasion tell you about that side of things.

Our two rooms were so crowded, it was hard to take a picture of all the things going on at once

Doug looking for the next piece

The tile floor is almost done

Dave and Chuck (one of our hosts) working at the tile saw

Justin would spend each afternoon after he got back from school sitting in the yard, watching us and helping where he could. He was so happy to see his picture being taken!

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